The Astronaut Wives Club Wiki


Welcome to the Astronaut Wives Club Wiki, a site dedicated to providing up-to-date information about the ABC series, The Astronaut Wives Club. Fans and anyone interested in the series are welcome to contribute and help this wikia grow into a #1 source for all things related to The Astronaut Wives Club!


LouiseIcon ReneIcon TrudyIcon BettyIcon
Louise Rene Trudy Betty
MargeIcon AnnieIcon JoIcon
Marge Annie Jo



Featured Article


The Astroanut Wives Club is a new comedy on ABC, and is based on Lily's Kopprl's novel The Astronaut Wives Club. The Astronaut Wives Club focuses on seven women who were key players behind some of the biggest events in American history. As America’s astronauts were launched on death-defying missions, the lives of their young wives were transformed, seemingly overnight, from military spouses to American royalty. As their celebrity rose, and tragedy began to touch their lives, they rallied together. Read more...


The Astronaut Wives Club: Cancel or Keep the ABC Drama? - imdb - - 2023/07/27 16:02

The Astronaut Wives Club: Cancel or Keep the ABC Drama?  imdb...

Watch: 'The Astronaut Wives Club' episode 2 preview featuring Azure Parsons as Annie Glenn | Movies/TV - - - 2019/07/18 07:00

Watch: 'The Astronaut Wives Club' episode 2 preview featuring Azure Parsons as Annie Glenn | Movies/TV

‘The Astronaut Wives Club’ Shoots for the Moon, Finds a Star or Two - PopMatters - - 2017/11/09 17:02

‘The Astronaut Wives Club’ Shoots for the Moon, Finds a Star or Two  PopMatters...

The Astronaut Wives Club: Ended by ABC; No Season Two - TV Series Finale - - 2017/09/04 14:44

The Astronaut Wives Club: Ended by ABC; No Season Two  TV Series Finale...

Review: ABC’s ‘The Astronaut Wives Club’ is one to join in on - - - 2017/08/28 07:00

Review: ABC’s ‘The Astronaut Wives Club’ is one to join in on

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